Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Why Analyze?

Why do we have a tendency to analyze a situation that is going well for us? Why do we rock a boat that is steadily cutting through the waters? Some questions are just not worth answering because the answers doesn't buy us anything. If anything, the process of finding the answer causes so much upheaval that the end simply doesn't matter anymore.

I want to just be, to enjoy the moment and not think much of it. If this happy moment leads to another one, I'd have invested wisely. If it doesn't, I haven't lost anything because in this moment, I am happy. The uncertainty of the future isn't going to magically evaporate because I know something now I didn't know earlier.

This kind of perspicacity somehow comes only after I have pushed the envelope, wanted to know something that I really don't need to. With what I know now, have I overcome my doubts and have my questions been answered? No and No. So, I'm going to put this analyzing to a rest, just enjoy the treats that come my way and not attach meaning to them. Somehow, if there is supposed to be meaning, it will attach itself without my intervention.

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