I have the enviable pleasure of being surrounded, for the most part, by High Maintenent peoplzes. I can understand that girlz can be high maintenance, they claim it's their birth right, especially for one week every month of the year. Ok ok guys, I'll be honest and take the fall for the male community, 2 weeks every month! But guys being high maintenance too - geez, how can one ever justify that?
It's not that I haven't committed the crime that is being High Maintenance, I have - I'll accept it. But of late I find that everyone is either high maintenant or belligerent - and the weather has finally changed for the better, the sun is out for crying out loud - shouldn't everyone's mood be so much better. Or have I missed something, some people actually are in higher spirits when it's raining down? Get off that lofty pedestal, you aren't extra special just because you're high maintenance, only few are super important but everyone can't be - and I'm sorry if I have to be the bearer of sad tidings - deal with it! Truth is, the more high maintenance people get, the more I shy from interactions with them - knowing how politically incorrect I am, I feel like I'm sitting on a ticking bomb with high maintenance people - and shit I like to talk, so I hate shutting up...
You know what I hate the most though - really, what I hate the most? Cloaked high maintenance! Shit, if you wanna be high maintenance, atleast own up to it - the people who act like it's all cool and all fine but invertly expect you to pander to some hidden whim you have no frigging clue about, damn - that takes some balls! Colossal balls, to quote Jerry Seinfeld. If you want my attention, come out and ask for it or you won't get it. If you don't get it when you haven't asked for it, don't dock my fucking points coz I can't read your mind :) Peace out...