Wednesday, December 22, 2004

The clock ticks life away

Woke up to the sound of the cell phone ringing at 6am this morning. Actually, I knew I had to wake up early so my body just woke up a couple of minutes before the phone actually rang. The fact that I got out of bed a whole 1/2 hour after I spoke on the phone is of course a completely different matter. Focus please... :) this is my morning we are talking about! Got to the squash courts at 7am and did some fun drills with Maria while giving her some tips on improving her game.

So here's the scoop - I was so tranquil all morning and got so much done that I'm actually going to try this again. Actually, I am feeling tred and my eye-lids feel heavy from the day's activities so this is natural. Hmm, me doing something the way it should be done, now this has gotta be a first!!!

In other news, I have so much work to do this next week, I hate it! There is no end to work I've realized - the more you do, the more you have left to do. GDI...

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