IE CSS/Layout bug
I've spent the better part of the afternoon after lunch trying to track down and resolve a rendering bug in IE that occurs, lo and behold, where else but on the page you are currently viewing :) If you are viewing this in IE, you will notice that the entire page does not get displayed, some updates get clipped. If you are more observant, you will notice that the clipping occurs exactly after the last row of text is displayed in the sidebar (that contains news, links, etc, etc). Interestingly enough, if you slightly resize the IE window, the clipping disappears and the entire page can be viewed again.
Here is my analysis and it's not for the faint of heart - if you aren't into HTML/CSS, you can quit reading right now. The sidebar has lesser text than the mainbar, which contains all my ramblings. Once the browser is done laying out the text in the sidebar, it dictates the height of the page based on the height of the sidebar and clips the entire page based on the height. The resize operation causes the document to be reflowed and that's when the layout engine realizes that the height shouldn't be the height of the sidebar but max{height-sidebar, height-mainbar}.
I don't have a solution to this issue YET - but I'll work on it more at night. Now, time to get back to some Microsoft work I say...
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