Thursday, September 09, 2004

It's already Thursday

And I thought the week just began yesterday. This past weekend was action-packed and I didn't even have to venture out of Seattle - hi Tanx! Got in touch with a lot of friends, used up all of Donna's phone battery, went to a Bally Sagoo DJing performance, walked Alki Beach, hated Bumbershoot and played tennis. Didn't have much time to do anything else and finally, started enjoying my own company. Read a book, did stuffs around the apartment and drank awesome margaritas on Saturday night. So now you know too - a mish-mash of the good times made going back to work on Tuesday morning such a bummer.

There's going to be a mini reunion in Austin this coming weekend - Gundapps, Surdbird and I are gonna hang out for the first time since we all hit Amreekan shores. It's going to be my birthday too, yippee yea yea - mm turns 27 (now that rhymes too). This year, my friend, is going to be the year of - I can't fucking care :)

So that's that - WinISP had an outage that didn't allow me to post stuffs all weekend but I'll post some updates about the weekend as the memories return. If I miss out some important detail (nothing really important occurred), it could be because of old age making memories fade away...

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