Friday, May 05, 2006

Manoj's Uncertainty Principle

Uncertainty and Happiness both cannot co-exist in one individual.

Who am I kidding, I know nothing about coining laws on uncertainty. What I do know is that I am not an expert at dealing with uncertainty (or ambiguity for that matter). I like it when people state their opinions and express themselves so I know how to communicate with them. In Managing People at Microsoft, I learnt about various types of people and was told what kind of person I am - expressive, talkative and curious for context. There was a time when not knowing something drove me nuts but that has now passed - praise the lord!

It should be no secret then that once I am familiar with a person, I interact openly and state my mind without fear of jugment. This tendency is precisely why guarded people terrify me. If I can't get a read on a person, I don't know what their loyalties are, which makes it hard for me to trust them. In my opinion, there is a time for uncertainty, a time for not being straight-forward, a time for games. It is vital to recognize when it is time for some ol' fashioned honesty and to be honest at that appointed moment. Who knows, good things might come out after the clouds of uncertainty blow away and the sun shines through.

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