Friday, April 14, 2006

And then there were NONE

I just put the final touches to the final review of Mid Year 2006. Review period is the time of year I hate being a lead the most. Writing comments takes me the longest time because these two attributes of mine - being thorough and procastrinating till the 11th hour. Guess when the deadline for having all reviews submitted to the system is - April 14, today!

This day is not without it's highlights though. In no particular order, I reached work on time, I was late by 30 minutes to a 35 minute meeting called by the GM of Windows Security, Donnie made the best portabello mushroom sandwich this evening for Arun and I, my quasi personal trainer killed my biceps and triceps (so satisfying), and I spent all of 1 hour at my desk between 10 and 6 today.

In other news, I might have conned MD into hanging out with the crew tomorrow night. We are planning to start at Twist and continue the party at Twilight. I can't wait for this review tension and reorg discussion to be over tomorrow before the entire team unwinds over beers.

Enough talk for now, time to go to bed - over and out.

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