Monday, April 03, 2006

Like any other weekend

NOT! First up, this weekend was absolutely beautiful. I was out through most of yesterday and I had the windows open all day today as I stayed indoors. You'd think this was normal till I reveal another fact - I wasn't wearing any warm clothing all weekend (while hanging out and while the windows were open). If this is a precursor to the Spring and Summer of 2006, I'm stoked!

Yesterday was a pretty hectic day that started off relatively early for a Saturday - 11:15am. First up, I cleaned up my act by shaving and getting a haircut. Coffee at Green Lake was next after which I drove to Ameen/Deep's and helped them out with party preparations. I had three party invitations for Saturday night and it was a bummer that I could show my face at only two. It was the night of Sid's farewell party and I, my friends, had been asked to DJ. Something inside me is telling me that this was because there was no one else who would be a sucker for this but hey...

Amruta helped me put together a set of hindi songs (I already had hip-hop covered) before I headed over to Sid's, armed with my laptop. The invitation said the party would start at 8 but when I got there around 10, there were maybe 10 other people there! When did IST skew our interpretation of time so much?!

The party started in earnest only around 11:30. By this time, there were maybe forty Indians milling around the house, drinks in hand, making conversation and catching up with each other. This was a gathering of people who knew each other so there wasn't much introducing going on, just talking, drinking and dancing. The crowd was weird though - they danced to only a select set of songs. I would've never anticipated some of the requests that were made but when I played Sweet Child 'O Mine, I knew they would dance (I figured that they were suckers for oldies). What stood out about that night though was the fact that at the same time, different people would request Hindi, Hip-hop and rock within 15 seconds! It was a fun night though, everyone seemed to be having a good time and it was a great party for Sid...

I slept a little after 6 this morning. No surprise then that my day didn't start till 2 in the afternoon. All I've done since waking up is watch TV, eat and fold laundry. I honestly folded 4 loads of laundry over the course of the day and I still have a couple loads to do. Laundry is the one chore I totally hate, which is why I hardly ever do it, which is why it piles up, which is why I have to fold so many clothes, which makes me hate the chore even more (hey that rhymed). The cycle I just described makes my hatred a self-fulfilling prophecy but has an easy fix - do laundry more often! Or get a maid...

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