Wednesday, March 29, 2006

You know Summer is around the corner

When you can play tennis outdoors for more than 10 minutes. I played at Grass Lawns Park for the first time in many months with Jaydeep. Clearly, he has the better game but I did run him around a bit today, which is a small victory for me. Today epitomizes a perfect day - get to work on time, do a day's worth of work, get out and play tennis, hang with friends, lift weights, watch great TV and finish up with a blog post. The burden to write something meaningful is off my shoulders. I'm officially allowed to now talk about nothing because that in itself makes me write about something!

My crazy cousin Vishaka is online and black-mailing me into going to sleep. She is right; if I slightly adjust my sleep cycle so I sleep a little earlier, I won't have any trouble being in time at work every morning. Eureka moment you'd think? No - I've known this forever. It's easier said than done I tell you. You gotta give me credit for having good intentions though - the alarm is set for 8am everyday. Waking up to it is a completely different story...

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